FOR some he is nature’s answer to an alarm clock.

But for other disgruntled neighbours in a quiet Hampshire neighbourhood Rocky the Rooster has become public enemy number one.

For Rocky’s early morning cocka- doodle-doos in Marchwood have not only been waking residents, but they have now got the attention of the council’s environmental health team.

Following complaints from neighbours council bosses in the New Forest have warned Rocky’s owner that they could prosecute him if he fails to gag the threeyear- old rooster.

To silence his cockerel, Paul Wilton has now blacked out the windows of Rocky’s shed.

And if he doesn’t keep Rocky quiet he could end up with a £5,000 fine.

Paul, who has been keeping chickens as a hobby since he was 12, said: “If you live in the countryside you have got to expect the noise."

Paul, 51, of Marshfields Close, moved Rocky and his 45 wives to the field six months ago from another enclosure 50 yards away as the pasture was more suitable.

New Forest District Council Environmental Health Officer Edward Vandyck, said: “He has been advised to leave his birds in their darkened shed until later in the morning to stop Rocky’s 4am morning call.

Diary forms have been sent to complainants and if the alleged disturbance continues, officers will take action.”

If prosecuted Paul could be fined a maximum of £5,000 and a further maximum £500 a day for every day the noise continues.