The trouble with creating a buzz is that if you don’t immediately make a bang everyone will thing you’ve fallen short of the promise with which you’ve been invested.

Fortunately, young Mica Levi sounds very capable of making plenty of bangs – and crashes, and scratches, and whistles, and squeaks… Her first album sounds like Radiohead being nurtured by The Flying Lizards while Bloc Party watch Miles Davis string Laurie Anderson’s new bow.

It’s chocabloc with junk shop beats and broken toy sirens, driven to the scrapheap on rusty tapes discarded by Joe Meek and John Cale.

At times the bewildering sonic assault of skewed rhythms, techno chops and wonky key changes threatens to overwhelm the first listen, but the effort to keep a handle on Micachu’s tiller pays off in the end.