A POPULAR bodyguard, who toured with some of the biggest names in music, has died, aged 55.

Bev Bush, who spent much of his life in Bournemouth, was killed in a road accident while riding his motorbike near Alicante last Saturday.

The father-of-three, brother of music promoter Mel, was security guard and friend to stars like Elton John, Jimmy Page, David Essex and Brian Ferry throughout his illustrious career.

"The reason he worked with all the stars was because they wanted him to," said Mel.

"People were always ringing him which was testament to how popular a character he was.

"He was a colourful, joke-a-minute character who lived his life to the full."

Bought up in Box, Wiltshire, with Mel and his three sisters, Bev moved to Bournemouth in his teens and spent much of his time between tours in the town.

He was a regular face at the Bournemouth Electric club on Broadway Lane.

After finishing his work in the music industry, Bev turned his hand to building and spent the last 15 years of his life travelling around working on various projects.

He had been involved with a development in Dubai and was due to head to Mexico to work on a project.

"He was one of these versatile people who could turn his hand to anything," said Mel.

A memorial service is being held at St Andrews United Reformed Church on Richmond Hill at 4pm next Friday.

There will be a celebration of Bev's life at the Electric club afterwards.

The family is inviting all those who want to celebrate Bev's life to attend.

"Bev was Mr Popular and we want to let as many people know as possible," said Mel.