A MAN threatened to slice open his own stomach after he beat his wife and dragged her back when she tried to flee, a court heard.

Jeremy Cobley pushed and grabbed his partner of ten years before saying “it is your time to go.”

The 27-year-old pleaded guilty to two counts of assault by beating, two counts of breaching a non-molestation order, perverting the course of justice and affray.

Prosecutor, James Kellam, told Bournemouth Crown Court on June 10 that the couple’s relationship had been breaking down due to the defendant’s mental health.

However, on December 18, 2023, ‘it all came to a head’ when Cobley came home from work and an argument broke out.

He pushed his wife against the kitchen wall, telling her it was ‘her time to go’, while the victim desperately rang the defendant’s brother.

Cobley snatched the phone and held his wife’s wrist, while pushing her back further.

The woman managed to wrestle the phone back and attempted to flee but Cobley followed and pushed her again.

She fell into a table and clambered to the front door, but Cobley pursued and pulled her back inside.

He grabbed her car keys and threw them over the fence before telling her to ring someone, but not the police.

While she phoned an ambulance Cobley brandished a knife and held it to his stomach, saying “I will not be here in five minutes.”

After pointing the knife towards her, the defendant’s brother arrived and took him to their mother’s house.

Cobley was arrested and told not to contact his wife but continued to send threatening messages and told her to drop the charges against him.

A non-molestation order was made on March 3, 2024, and Cobley breached this in just five days, by messaging and calling his wife again.

The woman told the court that she is unable to sleep and lays awake at night, constantly in fear when she hears a car or a door slam.

Mitigating, Richard Tutt told the court the defendant has no previous convictions and is a man of previous good character.

He said Cobley breached his no contact with his wife because a family member was in hospital and because he was trying to arrange his business affairs.

Cobley, who owns a marine engineering business, was reportedly working 80 to 90 hours a week at the time of the incident and was suffering with his mental health.

“On the day he had been at work and had spent time crying because he felt inadequate, then spent five minutes in his car wondering whether to go inside,” said Mr Tutt.

“He felt he was not receiving sympathy for how he felt.”

Cobley told the court he is “eternally sorry” for what he did and has since been prescribed medication for his mental health.

Recorder Jodie Mittell told the defendant he behaved “appallingly” and left his wife in a state of constant vigilance.

Cobley, 27 and of Poole, was sentenced to 15 months in prison, suspended for 18 months.

He will complete 30 days of the ‘building better relationships’ programme as well as ten rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He will also be subject to trail monitoring for six months which will track where he goes.