A WOMAN trapped a female in a toilet cubicle before sexually assaulting her in a Bournemouth nightclub.

Jennifer Mallee then assaulted a second woman in a similar way just three weeks later.

The now 28-year-old defendant was sentenced at Bournemouth Crown Court for three counts of sexual assault after being found guilty by jury.

Prosecutor, Charles Gabb, told the court during her sentencing on June 7 that the first incident took place on New Years Day 2019.

It was reported that the victim’s drink was spiked while at DYMK nightclub, saying she felt like a “zombie.”

Mr Gabb told a jury earlier this year that the victim needed to use the bathroom, so Mallee took her by the hand and led her.

"She leads (the complainant) into the ladies lavatory, she leads her into a cubicle and shuts the door behind her and it is then that she takes awful advantage of the situation.

"She then starts to sexually assault her inside the small confines of that lavatory."

At the time, the victim did not feel able to report the incident to the police however, in May 2022 she saw Mallee in the Bournemouth Echo for assaulting another woman.

19 days after assaulting the first woman, the defendant attacked another in a similar way on January 20, 2019.

Mallee pleaded guilty to cornering this second woman in a nightclub toilet and putting her hand up her skirt.

The two victims got in contact with each other, and the first female found the “strength and courage” to report her experience to the police.

Both women appeared at Bournemouth Crown Court on June 7 to watch Mallee be sentenced.

Mitigating, Chetna Patel, argued the incident was not sustained, but short lived and spontaneous.

She added that the victim wanted to use the bathroom, and this was not a case of her “being dragged to the toilet against her will.”

Judge Robert Pawson said: "You are physically large.

"That is no criticism of you, but you have a large frame and are much taller than her."

He said the victim was vulnerable due to her size and level of intoxication.

"You decided that whether willing or not she was going to become subservient to your will."

Jennifer Mallee, 28 and of Knyveton Road, was sentenced to four years and three months in prison.

She was handed a restraining order against the victims, placed on the sex offenders register for life and is prohibited from using a public cubicle with another woman.