ANNUAL accounts recently published by BCP Council have revealed exactly how much its most senior staff members are paid. 

In total, the local authority’s 12 most senior listed members of staff were paid £1.416m in the 2023/24 financial year, not including pension contributions. 

This includes chief executive Graham Farrant, who was paid £200,174. 

The second most paid member of staff is the director of children’s services Cathi Hadley - on £171,116.  

Her department has come under much scrutiny lately, with ongoing disputes between parents, schools and the government over its SEND service.  

Cathi Hadley, director of children's servicesCathi Hadley, director of children's services

Meanwhile the third highest paid member of staff was Jess Gibbons, chief operations officer.  

Ms Gibbons recently left her post in March to take on a new role as chief executive at Brighton and Hove City Council. She was replaced by Glynn Barton and was paid £145,007.  

Among the other senior officers is the director of commissioning (on £133,242), the director of IT and programmes (£128,372), director of finance (£123,553) and director of adult social care (£118,315). 

Read more: BCP councillors' allowances could rise by 4.5 per cent

And finally completing the list is the director of marketing, communications and policy and director of people and culture (both on £109k), director of wellbeing (£71k) and two directors of law and governance (one of £67k and the other on £37k).  

Including pensions contributions, BCP Council’s most senior officers were last year paid £1.7m. 

Councillors also took home an extra £86,000, according to the accounts.  

Jess Gibbons, former chief operations officerJess Gibbons, former chief operations officer (Image: BHCC)

In BCP Council’s first year back in 2019/20, it was £1.15m and in 2022/23, they took home £1.447m in allowances. 

However last year, that rose to £1.533m. 

BCP Council’s budget for 2024/25 shows money has been factored in for a 4.5 per cent “pay award increase” for councillors, with £1.66m set aside for the 76 elected officials. 

It would mean a basic councillor’s allowance would be more than £15,100 while the leader – Vikki Slade – would see an increase to £32,729. 

A spokesman for BCP Council said: “All senior staff salaries are comparative with other public sector organisations of a similar size. 

“Pay and remuneration is determined objectively using various job evaluation factors, including the skills and knowledge required to deliver the job effectively. 

“Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council is responsible for a diverse portfolio of services and employs over 5,000 people in a large urban conurbation. 

“It is imperative that our council is able to attract and retain high quality talent to ensure we are able to achieve our ambitious agenda for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole and be the best we can be for our communities.”