A PENSIONER who believes he was wrongfully slapped with a parking fine has accused wardens and the council of “picking on people”. 

Stanley Merran has a blue badge meaning he is allowed to park on double yellow lines, in a safe place, for up to three hours. 

And earlier this month, he parked his Ford Fiesta in Heathcote Road, Boscombe, opposite the library for “less than an hour”. 

When he returned from his trip to Boots, he was met with a £35 penalty charge notice on his windscreen. 

Bournemouth Echo: INNOCENT: Stanley said he had his blue badge on displayINNOCENT: Stanley said he had his blue badge on display (Image: Daily Echo)

The 82-year-old Bournemouth resident is adamant he did no wrong and his ticket alleged he was parked in a loading area. 

“I looked for the yellow marker lines on the pavement to suggest it was a loading area, but there is nothing,” he said. 

“I also looked for any other signs to suggest this, and I couldn’t see any. 

“If there are signs up, I would not have parked there; I am a law-abiding citizen who always follows the laws and regulations.” 

Mr Merran’s ticket also reveals the parking warden waited three minutes to issue the fine, which he described as “incredible” while describing the wardens as “very zealous here in this spot and it has got out of hand”. 

Bournemouth Echo: Stanley's car in Heathcote Road, BoscombeStanley's car in Heathcote Road, Boscombe (Image: Daily Echo)

“This is purely some councillors and the council wanting to make more money,” he added. “They’re not stupid, these people. They know that people often park here and they know the rules. 

“This is why it is a disgrace: they are picking on people. 

“When you see all the problems with the council, the crime, the litter everywhere, I find it staggering that this is what they focus on.” 

The Bournemouth Echo put Mr Merran's concerns and claims to BCP Council, but a spokeswoman said the authority won't comment on individual cases.

She said: "We are unable to comment on specific Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) information.

“If a vehicle owner wishes to challenge a Penalty Charge Notice, they can do so by email or post.

“Our team will then review the challenge and a decision will be made on whether the PCN will need to be paid. A reply will then be sent to the vehicle owner directly.”