A WIMBORNE doctor’s surgery has reportedly been vandalised.

The Cranborne Practice said a window had been smashed at the surgery at Penny Lane.

In a post uploaded to The Cranborne Practices’s Facebook, a message read: “We are disappointed to report that over the weekend of 1st June, someone smashed a window at our surgery at Penny Lane.

“Looking at the damage, it would appear that an object has been thrown at the window.”

The surgery added: “Providing healthcare to the community is what we do, and we cannot understand why someone would carry out this act against a service that helps people with their health and well-being.

“Unfortunately, the actions of the person responsible have cost the surgery money and time to clear up and arrange a repair.”

The practice urges anyone with information about the incident to come forward and report it to the police or anonymously through Crimestoppers.