A DAY for "the fast and the slow, the old and the bold".

Day two of the Bournemouth Air Festival had a little something for everyone.

Though the Red Arrows took top billing there was a spectacular variety of airborne entertainment for the swelling crowds to enjoy.

Low cloud and mist made for frustratingly poor visibility, but thousands again lined the beaches and clifftops as the visitors began to pour into town for the weekend.

The day was opened by the RAF Falcons parachuting in formation down on to the beach, their red trails providing a teasing glimpse of what was to come.

Council leader Stephen Macloughlin met the UK's premier military display team as they landed on the sand.

The roar of the Hawk quickly shook out any post-lunch drowsiness, a dramatic finale seeing it fire straight up and disappear into the cloud.

Helicopter display teams, the Black Cats and the Blue Eagles, proved planes don't have the monopoly on moves with some improbable 360-degree spins.

To the music of the Dambusters, the Spitfire, Lancaster and Hurricane chugged gracefully along the seafront in the Battle of Britain display.

Russian Yaks were given the unenviable task of following the Red Arrows, but showed equally impressive precision with their show.

There was no mistaking the noise of the Eurofighter Typhoon as the RAF's premier craft screeched over the town.

Each engine generates a terrifying 20,000lbs of thrust, and several children and even some dogs were left cowering by the roar.

The day was topped off by a return to the festival circuit of Navy carrier jet the Sea Vixen, which is due to make a historic flight with the Red Arrows tomorrow.

  • See Monday's Daily Echo for 8 page report