‘GOADING’ teenagers left a man in hospital with multiple bleeds to the brain after he tried to break up a town centre brawl, a court heard.

The man was knocked to the floor by a single punch while one of the teens continued to kick his motionless body.

Charlie Sparkes, now aged 20, Bradley Harris, 21, and Sidney Noyes, 21, were sentenced at Bournemouth Crown Court for the attack on August 31, 2022.

Prosecutor, Stuart Ellacott, told the court the three boys, who were 19-years-old at the time, became involved in a fight with another group of males outside Revolution Bar in Bournemouth.

CCTV footage shows Sparkes and Harris become involved in a fight with a group of males in Old Christchurch Road, before a security guard breaks it up.

The groups go their separate ways, but the two defendants are seen goading members of the public, before running up a side road towards the group that were involved in the fight.

Mr Ellacott said Sparkes and Harris “get their wish”, and the group of males confront them outside Walkabout bar.

The victim steps into the fight to try to break it up, but Harris strikes the man to the face, knocking him to the floor.

While laying motionless, Sparkes begins to kick him, and Noyes fights other members of the group.

The victim was taken to hospital, where he stayed for two days, suffering with a frontal brain haemorrhage and a broken nose.

In a victim impact statement, he said that because of being kicked and punched he suffered three bleeds on the brain and lost his sense of smell, which he has still not recovered from almost two years later.

Francisca Da Costa, defending Sparkes, said the 20-year-old struggles with impulsive behaviour due to ADHD, and is appalled by his actions.

She added there was no level of maturity that night but young men do not mature until they are 25 years old.

Robert Griffiths, defending Harris, said his client became involved in the fight after Sparkes called him, asking for help, saying he had been ‘jumped’.

Mr Griffiths added Harris “mistakenly” hit the victim, believing he was one of the males involved in the fight, not an innocent bystander.

The defendant works as a bricklayer for a property developer, earning £300 a week, and offered to pay £5 a week in compensation.

Judge Robert Pawson said the low sum showed no remorse and was “absolutely staggering”.

“It is two fingers to this court and two fingers to the victim,” said Judge Pawson.

Kate Davis, defending Noyes, said her client is a self-employed carpenter and is both appalled and embarrassed at his behaviour.

Judge Pawson said if the incident was not so serious it would be like playground behaviour, adding it was fuelled by alcohol and testosterone, committed by men who lack self-esteem.

Sparkes, of Recreation Road in Poole, was sentenced to 18 months in prison suspended for two years for affray and battery.

He will complete 150 hours of unpaid work, be bound to an electronic curfew for seven months and pay £3500 in compensation.

Harris, of Collwood Road in Poole, was sentenced to 23 months in prison suspended for two years for assault causing grievous bodily harm.

He will also complete 150 hours of unpaid work, be bound to a seven-month curfew and pay £3600 in compensation.

Noyes, of Stanley Road in Poole, was handed a 12-month sentence, suspended for two years, for affray.

He will complete 100 hours of unpaid work, restricted to a curfew for three months and pay £1000 in compensation.