A DERELICT building was targeted in what is believed to be an arson attack.

Fire crews rushed to the fire at a property in Salisbury Road, Burton, on Thursday evening, May 23.

Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was called to the scene at 6.24pm.

Firefighters remained on site tackling the fire for several hours. 

Two fire crews from Christchurch attended along with fire engines from Redhill Park and Springbourne.

Salisbury Road was closed for a time while emergency services dealt with the incident.

During the road closure, Morebus said its 1b service from Burton to Bournemouth was unable to serve Campbell Road.

The fire service said crews left the scene at 2.30am on Friday, May 24, but a reinspection was carried out at 9am.

As there was no further sign of fire, the incident was closed at 9.54am.

A Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson said: “The incident has now bene closed and the officer who attended has stated the cause was most likely deliberate.”