AN ambulance was called to assist a student after hitting his head in a 'fight' at a school in Poole

Poole Grammar School headteacher, Dr Amanda Smith and deputy headteacher Katie Etheridge confirmed an ambulance was called to the aid of a student after he hit his head in a reported fight on May 23. 

Reported to South Western Ambulance Service at around 11.20am, the student received treatment from the ambulance around 3pm with the school saying the slow response was a testament to 'the fact they believed he was ok".

A spokesperson for South Western Ambulance Service said: "We were called at 11:24hrs on Thursday 23 May to an incident in Poole. We sent one double-crewed land ambulance to the scene."

Despite reports the incident had paralysed the child, Dr Smith and Mrs Etheridge were clear the child had not had any severe injuries. 

They reported the child was at home and was well and that both had spoken to the parents the following day to check on the child. 

Dr Smith said: "We did have a student that may have been injured but he's at home totally fine and well. He is not paralysed and the ambulance was called immediately. 

"It took a very long time for the ambulance to come but the parents are happy, the child is happy and he got up and walked to the ambulance and was checked over and then went home. 

"I've just spoken to his mum and I think it was more like a bit of an exuberant time at football with the first eight team sent out and he said he landed on his head. As an absolute precaution, they phoned an ambulance. 

"I think the fact the ambulance took three and a half hours to get here testifies to the fact they thought he was probably ok."

A wheelchair was brought out to assist the child, however, both said this is normal practice for such an event even if it's not needed.