BOURNEMOUTH town centre has hosted a day of action to make the area a 'safer and nicer place.'

The event saw the 'collaborative efforts' of BCP Council and its partners to reduce littering, antisocial behaviour, and illegal parking, uphold trading standards, and enforce Public Spaces Protection Orders.

The event, which took place on Thursday, May 23, focused on community engagement.

It allowed the public to speak to the local authorities about issues the town is facing and how they plan to address them.

Frankie Ozzane, BCP Council's public protection coordinator, pulled the day of action together.

Frankie said: "Today is about working with our teams and trying to do what's best for the public and our town.

"It's been great to speak to the public and talk about what we have been doing, but also hear the main priorities for the town.

"We want our visitors to not only be safe but feel safe and enjoy the area."

Representatives from BCP Council, Dorset Police, and Bournemouth Town BID attended the event, along with officers from WISE litter enforcement officers and volunteers from the Community Network Action (CAN).

Street cleansing is a priority area of improvement which the council is looking to enforce in the town centre following the Town Centre Survey last year.

WISE Litter Enforcement Officers patrolled the event while CAN volunteers led litter-picking and gardening activities.

Residents were invited to participate in litter-picking and gardening sessions throughout the day.

Amy Collins, head of VCS development at Community Action Network, said: "Hosting the litter picking and gardening sessions provides an excellent opportunity for our community, including businesses, schools and residents, to come together and make a tangible difference in our local environment.

"We believe that through collective action, we can create a healthier, more sustainable place for everyone to enjoy."

Dorset Police operated its high-tech knife arch in the Square, helping people to understand the risks and consequences of carrying a knife.

Councillor Vikki Slade, leader of BCP Council, added: "The council continues to prioritise Bournemouth town centre, not just with words, but with action.

"This latest Day of Action provides another opportunity for residents and businesses to see first-hand the positive, collaborative work that is being done by the council and its partners to enact positive and sought-after change in the locality."