BOURNEMOUTH’S biggest private sector employer has announced an investment of more than £800,000 to help young people into the world of work.

JPMorgan Chase will support Young Enterprise, a national enterprise and financial education charity, with £815,000 in investment.

This will help disadvantaged young people bridge gaps into employment within the south west.

It forms a part of a package of £40million that JPMorgan Chase committed to investing into developing employment opportunities through businesses and philanthropy in the UK.

The business held a round table discussion at its Bournemouth base, where it employs more than 4,500 people.

Bournemouth location leader Karine Sweeney was joined by Young Enterprise CEO Sharon Davies and current JPMorgan Chase apprentices Finn O’Connor, India Manku and Joe Bingham.

Bournemouth Echo:

Karine said: “Social mobility and committing to the community is really important for us as being one of the biggest employers in the county.

“We hope that with this program, it will expose much more children who ultimately will have the opportunity to learn about the work, to experience work, to develop skills.

“We talked about skill-based recruitment and developing all these skills around communication, leadership.”

Sharon said it was ‘fantastic’ to have a business of JPMorgan Chase’s size and stature investing in the region.

“Talent is not the issue here in the region,” Sharon said.

“Access to opportunities is the key.

“JPMorgan Chase, in their investments in this partnership, has provided a statement of intent, about the importance of collaboration and working very closely with Young Enterprise, working closely with our strategic partners, careers and enterprise teachers, understanding the importance of those pathways for young people to go on and thrive and make a contribution to the region.”

She added: “What we're going after is more opportunities for young people, particularly those young people that might not have been able to access them in the past.”

Finn is originally from Watford and is will be the first in his family to get a university degree.

He told of how he was inspired through the company’s Aspiring Professionals Programme after one of his teachers recognised his potential.

As a first-year apprentice, he is already giving back and aims to inspire others who are from similar backgrounds to him into the industry, through an internal initiative called the Social Diversity Network.

To find out more about JPMorgan Chase’s investment, visit its website.