A MAJOR Poole bridge will remain closed until mid-June as further investigation and works takes place.

The Twin Sails Bridge is one of two bridges connecting Poole to Hamworthy and allowing boats into the harbour.

The bridge has been shut for more than a week after BCP Council carried out investigation work.

The closure has since been extended, causing traffic to divert along Poole Lifting Bridge.

The Twin Sails Bridge was originally due to reopen at 9.30pm on Sunday, May 19, however, BCP Council has now said further engineering work is needed.

Cllr Andy Hadley, BCP Council portfolio holder for climate response, environment and energy said: “A further review of Twin Sails Bridge has unfortunately shown that additional investigation and remedial works are required before returning it to operation.

“Our teams are working hard to get it operational as soon as possible, but we anticipate that the bridge will remain in the raised position with the road closed to all traffic until mid-June.

“Whilst safety must be our priority, we do understand the impact that this will have on users of the bridge, and we apologise for the inconvenience caused.

“We are reviewing the lifting timetable for Poole Bridge with the Harbour Commissioner to reduce the impact on traffic, and the signals on Blandford Road have been adjusted to allow continual flow on the main road.”

Diversions will be placed southbound via West Street, Poole Lifting Bridge, Blandford Road northbound via Blandford Road, Poole Lifting Bridge, and West Quay Road.

Rigler Road on the western side of the bridge remains open but can only be accessed from Blandford Road on the Hamworthy side.

There is no indication as to when the bridge will reopen to pedestrians and motorists.

The bridge has suffered a series of issues over the years.

Last year, a mast snapped, forcing the bridge to be shut for a few days while engineers resolved the issue.

The Twin Sails Bridge cost £37m and took 20 months to build.

It opened in 2012 and resulted from an international design competition reflecting Poole’s maritime heritage.

The bridge was also shortlisted for the Structural Awards in 2012.