A FLAT experiencing ‘serious nuisance and disorder’ has been ordered to close.

A partial premises closure order has been issued for Flat 6, 29 Albans Crescent in Bournemouth.

Activity at the flat had been “significantly impacting on local residents”, according to BCP Council.

The order was granted at Poole Magistrates’ Court on Friday, May 17, and will be in place for three months.

Councillor Kieron Wilson, portfolio holder for housing and regulatory services, said: “The council’s Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) team have been taking a multi-agency approach working with Sovereign Housing Association and Dorset Police to tackle serious nuisance and disorder relating to Flat 6, 29 Albans Crescent, Bournemouth, which has been significantly impacting on local residents.

"A partial premises closure order was sought and granted by the court on Friday, May 17, 2024.

"This action demonstrates how the council and partner agencies are committed to taking action to protect victims and communities from serious nuisance and disorder.

"We will always use the tools and powers available to us and by obtaining this closure order, it shows we will act on issues which are having a detrimental impact on residents and reduce anti-social behaviour in our communities.

“Criminal and anti-social behaviour activity has no place in the BCP area."

BCP Council has encouraged residents experiencing anti-social behaviour to report it by calling 101 or contact the ASB team at asbteam@bcpcouncil.gov.uk with ongoing concern.