THE Battle of Wimborne will charge into town this May bank holiday turning the clock back to the English Civil War. 

For the first time in Wimborne, the English Civil War Society will be re-enacting the battle for Wimborne on May 25 to 27 retuning the historic town back to the 17th century when King Charles I's royalists fought Oliver Cromwell's roundheads. 

A full military camp will be set up at Julians Bridge with Wimborne BID suggesting it will look like a 'Hollywood epic' with spectacular costumes, artillery and horses. 

Tammy Sleet, Wimborne BID manager, said: “We’re thrilled to be supporting this exciting event for the town which is set to bring alive this epic historical period of Wimborne.

"Figures show that such an event can help increase visitor footfall by 40% so we’re looking forward to not only a bloody (fake of course!) but also a very busy May bank holiday weekend for businesses in the town.”

Events have been planned across the town including Minster Green which will play as a site of a riot that broke out in Wimborne Minster Church and The Museum of East Dorset with an exhibition covering the story of Wimborne in the civil war.