Plans for 40 flats on Poole High Street will be overturned by BCP Council after a failure to complete needed forms. 

BCP Council's planning committee has recommended that originally approved plans for 40 flats in Poole, 13-15 High Street, be overturned after developers Shore Holdings have failed to complete a suitable section 106 agreement. 

Approved in 2022, plans encompassed 40 apartments and 424spm of commercial space and hopes to "inject new life" into the area.

BCP Council said: "In light of the delays in the signing of the engrossments of the Section 106 Agreement by the landowners that have already occurred to date, there remains continuing uncertainty regarding the timescale of when they will be signed and returned to the council for the completion of the Section 106 Agreement.

"It is therefore recommended that the planning committee agree to now refuse this planning application due to the failure of the applicant to enter into the Section 106 Agreement to secure the required planning obligations."

A section 106 agreement is an agreement between a developer and local planning authority which states the measures developers must take to reduce their impact on the community. 

BCP Council had asked as part of its section 106 agreement that Shore Holdings provide several contributions including £11,508 to mitigate adverse effects of the development on Dorset Heathlands, £4,099.20 to mitigate adverse effects on the development of Poole Harbour, and £3,360 to NHS towards expansion and improvement of surgeries in Poole Central. 

It also included an overage clause requiring a review of affordable housing viability. 

The council said: "The NHS, through the Dorset clinical commissioning croup identified that the increase in population arising from the development, if approved, would have an impact on local NHS resources in terms of the primary and community care.

"In the absence of the Section 106 Agreement being entered into by the landowners to secure this contribution, the proposed development would fail to mitigate the identified impacts arising from it on local NHS resources."

If overturned, the council has been recommended to approve plans once again subject to section 106 and other conditions.

The Echo contacted Shore Holdings Ltd for comment.