A YOUNG ballroom dancer has put her best foot forward towards a professional career thanks to a grant.

Diana Martynets, aged 15 and from Bournemouth, received £1,000 from Dorset Community Foundation’s Lord Lieutenant’s Fund for Young and Talented.

She used the money to help fund trips to the Netherlands and Denmark to help hone her skills as she aims to waltz her way into a career in dancing.

The St Peter’s School pupil is set to enter the arena of under 21 competition after success at under 16 level, and has set her sights on winning the British Ballroom Championships.

Bournemouth Echo:

Diana has represented Great Britain and has tasted success already with her dance partner Lachlan Mcintosh, including a victory in Sweden earlier this year.

She applied for the grant after her and her mum, Jolita, heard about it from social media.

The fund awards grants to help cover costs that may prevent youngsters from making the most of their natural ability, like buying kit or helping cover competition entries.

Diana said the grant will help ‘give her the edge’ in helping her attend competitions.

“I love dancing because it is glamorous and it is an escape from reality, it takes you out of yourself,” said Diana, who trains at the Nice n Easy studio in Haviland Road, Bournemouth and wants to one day open her own studio.

Bournemouth Echo:

“I want to be a role model for the younger dancers and pass on the knowledge that I’ve been given.

“I’ve had so much help and I want to give something back.”