A POOLE café is aiming to reduce loneliness by getting people talking through the ‘chatter and natter table’.

Canford Nest, at the Neighbourhood Centre off Culliford Crescent, will be joining The Chatty Café Scheme on Thursday, May 23.

The family-owned café serves homemade cakes, teas, coffees and the Nest breakfast as well as light meals and daily specials.

The site is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm and Saturdays for brunch from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

The Chatty Café scheme was launched by Alexandra Hoskyn who founded it after a “miserable day” at a supermarket café with her infant son, when she noticed no one was talking to each other.

She found that by simply putting ‘Chatter & Natter’ signs on tables it created a space for people to talk.

Anyone can join the tables, on their own, in a couple, with a friend or carers and those they look after.

Coventry University published a report in May 2022 that found 100 percent of Chatter & Natter table users said it made them feel less lonely.

A spokesperson for the Chatty Café Scheme said: “The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted those experiencing loneliness and we know that simply having a chat can brighten someone’s day.”

More information can be found on the Chatty Café Scheme website.