BCP are to charge extra £2 per night for tourists to stay here. Really?

May I suggest councillors come out of their posts in the town hall and also our local MPs and walk around the area especially Bournemouth town centre.

The shop doorways of both closed up shops and shops that are still open and trading look grubby and most of time full of rubbish. Take a walk round the back of shops in the Triangle and see the disgusting state its in.

Front of shops and properties are not kept tidy and landlords of these should be given a notice to carry out refurbishment. The whole area needs a facelift and the council are responsible for keeping BCP in a acceptable state.

The view from the windows of the town hall is probably quite nice, but please can I ask that you look at the town from a tourist view, because having demolished many of the character hotels and replacing them with flats has not enhanced our tourist trade.

We have many cycle lanes now so lets invest in our main industry tourism.

In all green areas there is a bit hit and miss mowing and tidying, but the bees are happy I am told!

Stephanie Vincent

Tytherley Green,
