THE fire service has issued safety advice to those planning to light a beacon in upcoming D-Day commemorations.

Beacons across the UK are due to be lit for the 80th anniversary of D-Day at 9.15pm on Thursday, June 6.

Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS) wants to be pre-warned by organisers who are planning on having a beacon or bonfire, fireworks or an event that will attract a large crowd.

DWFRS has also issued the following safety advice: “Make sure to undertake any risk assessments required and ensure everyone involved is happy and familiar with your plans. Consider the access and egress of fire engines.

“In the event of dry weather, high winds, and a heightened wildfire risk on the day of the event, please carefully consider scaling back initial plans where appropriate.

“Choose a safe location for your beacon, away from buildings, trees and flammable objects.

“Have a water supply nearby, and keep a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher to hand. It’s better to be prepared than risk a dangerous situation.

“Never leave a fire unattended; always ensure that someone responsible monitors the fire.

“Keep children and pets safe, make sure they are supervised and establish a clear boundary to prevent them from getting too close."