A FORMER traffic enforcement officer has embraced a change of career in the care industry.

Alex Gheorghe was a rapid response traffic enforcement officer in London, but now works for Sylvian Care Bournemouth and Poole.

“My previous role is one that does carry a negative perception from the public,” Alex said.

“Unlike the usual traffic warden role, not only would I investigate any wrongdoing, but I would also actually physically move the vehicle that was causing the obstruction.

“Unsurprisingly, I’d often get verbal abuse from those who’d parked in the wrong place – it was quite a draining and confrontational role.

“Slowly but surely, I decided I wanted to do something with a more meaningful impact to those around me.”

Alex’s mother, Lorena, launched Sylvian Care with her partner Szilard in 2020.

“They actually met on their first day working at another office in Reading,” Alex said. “Both of them were experienced in the care industry but needed someone who was a little more tech savvy – it was the perfect opportunity for me.”

Alex said he was enjoying ‘making a real difference’ in the community in his new role and loves the area.

“My partner lives here and I much prefer living in Bournemouth to London,” he said. “We’re providing a helping hand to local people who need the care – it’s really important to me to keep doing that, but it has been very rewarding too.”

Sylvian Care Bournemouth and Poole achieved a ‘good’ rating from the CQC in August of last year, delivering services in Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole, Sandbanks and villages in Dorset and the New Forest.

Lorena said: “It has been lovely working with Alex every day – he has been exactly what we needed.

“Taking care of the tech-side of our operation has been a blessing for the business.

“And of course, on a personal note, to work alongside my son and my partner, Szilard, is a dream come true.”

For more information on Sylvian Care Bournemouth and Poole visit the Sylvian Care website.