A DAD is aiming to climb the height of Mount Everest to raise money for a climate action charity.

Chris Horan, 44, has climbed for more than 80 days in a row and has now passed the equivalent height of Everest base camp more than 5,400 metres.

The dad of two from Corfe Mullen is fundraising for Friends of the Earth to help fund their campaigning against climate change.

Chris initially set out to climb 1.48km in the month of his birthday, to signify the 1.48 degrees that the earth was warmer than pre-industrial levels in 2023.

He hoped to complete the challenge after suffering an injury last year, but after he got the all-clear from his physio, he decided to push on with the second phase of the challenge.

Bournemouth Echo:

“Phase one was about climbing for a month and if it held off for a month then I can go on to that,” Chris said.

“I didn't really want to talk too much about phase two in case it didn't happen.

“So, I wanted to raise a little bit of money for phase one but now I'm on the main one now, which is climbing the Everest, and the elbow is holding up now.”

Chris emphasised the importance of his cause, saying the climate problem ‘is not going away’.

“April was again the 11th hottest month on record in a row,” he said.

“So every single month for the past eleven months, it has been the hottest on record.

“Climate change is really concerning and it's having such big impacts and it's impacts which people are not really aware of.”

Chris said the risk to life to people is increasing as risk of fires, viruses and heat related deaths all increase.

“It's important that the likes of Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth challenge these companies and that's what they're doing and that's why I'm really working hard to get money to help them go to courts and take on big oil, take on our own government who are not really doing enough,” he said.

“This problem is not going away and it's just getting worse and worse.”

For more information on his challenge and to donate, search Chris Horan on JustGiving.