LAST week the Guardian released a survey showing that hundreds of leading climate scientists foresee global temperatures rising at least 2.5C above pre-industrial levels, far surpassing internationally agreed targets, which will cause catastrophic consequences for us and the planet.

This paints a bleak picture, but we know which solutions are needed to solve the crisis we face. Animal farming and fishing are driving the climate and nature crises.

By transitioning to a plant-based food system we can free up 75% of the land we currently use for farming.

We should support farmers to bring nature back to that land, allowing for the return of forests, wetlands, and other habitats, providing means for massive carbon drawdown and precipitating the return of plant and animal species.

The restoration of nature to our countryside, done in collaboration with and in support of local communities and farmers, has the potential to provide many more jobs and opportunities than are currently available.

BCP Council can lead the way by switching to 100 per cent plant-based catering for their internal meetings and events, showing residents that plant-based eating is an essential part of climate action.

Will BCP climate lead Councillor Andy Hadley, councillor with responsibility for environment, take this further?

Sarah Ward

Salterns Road,
