A ‘GROUP of youths causing trouble’ were dispersed near Bournemouth Pier.

The group was reported to police, with officers on patrol in the area on hand to disperse them from Pier Approach.

Earlier on Saturday evening, May 11, officers used section 35 dispersal powers to deal with a woman who had had too much to drink.

She was causing a disturbance at the beach and was left in a safe place at home after being dispersed from the area.

Members of the Bournemouth south neighbourhood policing team were on patrol throughout the evening as a part of Dorset Police’s Operation Fireglow.

This aims to tackle anti-social behaviour and crime in Bournemouth town centre.

Areas that PCs Paul and Justin patrolled on Saturday afternoon and evening included in Westover and Hinton Road, near the Royal Bath Hotel and on Pier Approach.

Operation Fireglow was started in 2021 and runs through the summer months in the area of the town centre.