Several sheep have died in a sick killing spree which saw some have their intestines ‘hooked from their bodies’ by an unknown knife attacker.

Five of the animals were found brutally stabbed following the attack at Storm's Farm in Cadnam.

One sheep was found covered in blood after its neck was slit, while others were seen walking with their intestines hanging loose.

Bournemouth Echo:

Two ewes and one lamb died because of their injuries, while one ewe and one lamb are in recovery.

The livestock belonged to Sarah and Andrew Parry-Norton, who run the Commoners Defence Association, a group that supports the rights of Commoners.

Sarah, 57, said she was inundated with phone calls on Thursday morning.

She said: “One of our neighbours phoned to say a lamb had bled to death outside of her front gate, just half a mile from us.

“Because the lamb was on the side of the road, we thought it had been hit by a car, but we saw a three-inch deep cut to its neck when we arrived.

“You would not get that wound from a car accident.”

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Bournemouth Echo: Sarah and Andrew Parry-NortonSarah and Andrew Parry-Norton (Image: Maya George, Newsquest)Ten minutes later, Sarah received another call from a friend who said a sheep with intestines hanging out of its body was trying to walk in the direction of her farm.

The ewe’s injuries were so severe she had to be destroyed, according to Sarah.

The surviving ewe and lamb were then discovered, before Sarah was informed of another disembowelled ewe.

Sarah ruled out an animal attack due to the nature of the wounds, adding: “We fear the perpetrator used a spear-like instrument with a hook, as they stabbed the sheep then hooked their intestines out of the hole.

“It is frightening because you don’t know what this person is capable of. Where does this end?

“As Commoners, it is really heartbreaking.

“We have bred these sheep and been with them since they were born. It is not only the financial loss but the emotional loss too. It is horrible.”

Bournemouth Echo:

She added: “Two of the sheep were our breeding ewes and some of their lambs are still quite young and need their mother’s milk, so we may lose the remaining lambs as well.

“I want this person to be caught and they obviously need help. I don’t know how people could do this to a defenceless animal.”

Sadly, this is not the first time this type of attack has happened at the farm.

Hampshire Constabulary confirmed a report of a similar incident in the area was made to the force four years ago.

In relation to the killings on Thursday, no arrests have yet been made.

A spokesperson said: “We can confirm we received a report shortly after 1pm yesterday (Thursday, May 9) stated that four or five sheep had been injured or killed, believed to have suffered stab wounds.

“We are investigating the incident and enquiries remain ongoing.

“Anyone who witnessed the incident should call 101 and quote incident number 44240194171.”