A MAN knocked a woman 'unconscious' during an outburst of aggression in a residential area of Bournemouth.

Joel Norris was “bare chested in the street” and “wanting to fight everyone”, a court heard.

Police were alerted to the 28-year-old’s behaviour in Bennett Road by a number of concerned residents.

Prosecutor Stuart Ellacott described how the defendant was stood in the street “shouting and swearing” and being abusive.

When a couple came out of a house with their young child, Norris went over and confronted them at the front door.

He began shouting at the male and calling him a “paedophile” and a “nonce”, before punching the woman in the face when she tried to calm him down.

The woman fell to the ground and hit her head, and “appeared unconscious” to those around her.

She broke her ankle as a result of the fall and required surgery.

Mr Ellacott said Norris then ran off but was wrestled by residents who were able to detain him until the arrival of police.

On arrest, he told an officer: “I assaulted a lady and I’m sorry about that. Is that why I’m arrested? I’m sorry about that.”

Part of the incident, which occurred on August 3, 2022, was recorded by a resident on a mobile phone.

People can be heard screaming, while Norris shouts in the street “I’m a good man”.

The court heard how Norris had been having a ‘drug induced psychotic episode’ at the time.

Mitigating, Gaylene Coles said: “Four to six weeks prior to the incident, Mr Norris had become increasingly unwell.

“On August 3, this crescendos into what we have seen.

“He immediately said to the police ‘I’m sorry'. Those are the words he still says now two years down the line.”

Ms Coles noted how shortly after the incident, Norris was admitted to hospital for psychiatric care and remained there for three months.

She said it had been a “learning curve” for her client, adding: “Family and friends have all come to recognise the triggers and the support he needs."

Norris, of Pinewood Road in Upton, pleaded guilty to charges of inflicting grievous bodily harm and affray.

He appeared at Bournemouth Crown Court for sentencing on Friday, May 10.

Mr Ellacott noted Norris was "not heavily convicted", with an offence of assault in 2014, threatening behaviour in 2016, and driving offences since. 

Judge William Mousley KC told the defendant: “You appear in a residential street, bare chested, abusing, threatening and very frightening to members of the public.

“One bravely tried to intervene to try and help calm you down.

“Her reward for that was that you punched her in the face, causing her to hit her head and appear unconscious."

Judge Mousley KC added: “It is clear you were suffering a psychotic episode and probably one that was drug induced.”

Norris was handed a two year long community order with a requirement to complete 200 hours of unpaid work and 30 days of rehabilitation activity requirements.

He was also ordered to pay £5000 in compensation.