AN INNOVATIVE AI powered digital screen at a bus shelter in Bournemouth is helping to raise awareness of the dangers of knife crime.

When an ambulance passes by the screen, the vehicle's siren prompts AI to display heartfelt messages, signifying the association between the sound of an ambulance siren and a mother's worry that her child could be in danger.

The emotional messages, resembling texts received on a smartphone, contain genuine conversations reflecting the panicked concerns of parents.

As part of the ongoing SaferBCP Knife Crime Awareness campaign, BCP Council is working with Clear Channel UK and M&C Saatchi London to create this emotive display at a bus stop in Castle Lane West near Royal Bournemouth Hospital.

The campaign, supported by Cameron's grandmother, Tracy Jose, seeks to highlight the importance of awareness and education about knife crime and empower parents and young people to have proactive conversations to reduce the risk of knives.

Tracy said: "Young people need to realise the consequences of carrying knives and the ripple effects it has on the families and friends of victims.

"I think this digital advert reflects the fear parents and carers experience, with many experiencing this daily.

"My grandson Cameron would still be alive today if there had not been a knife present on the night he was killed, so the message is clear – please, don't carry knives."

Making its original debut in London, the campaign was produced in partnership with the Ben Kinsella Trust, an educational charity formed in 2008 which aims to educate people on the impacts of knife crime following the tragic murder of Ben Kinsella, aged 16, who was stabbed in London the same year.

Councillor Kieron Wilson, portfolio holder for housing and regulatory services at BCP Council, said: "This eye-opening initiative is yet another activity within our Knife Crime Awareness campaign, which we hope will raise awareness amongst young people and help them fully understand the devastating consequences of knife crime.

"Whilst Dorset remains a safe place to live with one of the lowest knife crime rates in the UK, we all must remain fully committed to ending knife crime entirely across our three towns."