EXTENSION plans at a property in Christchurch have stirred controversy among residents.

The scheme for 3 Watermead at 23 Willow Way has received hauls of objections from residents - and now the town council.

A planning application was submitted in January requesting permission for a single storey rear extension, a garage conversion and roof works.

Residents living in Willow Way raised concerns about it being an “overdevelopment” which “deviates too far from the existing footprint”.

It would also impact on neighbours’ privacy, natural light, and the surrounding wildlife, others warned.

Multiple objections noted the applicant did not include or consider neighbouring homes in their designs.

One said: “Worryingly the plans do not even show my house as present and therefore it is difficult to imagine that the planners would have any information to enable them to judge what affect it would have on my property.”

Another said: “I ask that the planning decision be delayed so that plans can be made that show neighbouring houses.”

The planning application was discussed at Christchurch Town Council’s Planning and Regulatory Committee’s March meeting.

During public participation, a Watermead resident raised concerns on the “detrimental effect the proposal would have on the amenity of neighbouring properties”.

The acting town clerk then updated the committee on the revised plan, which proposed to retain a hip roof design instead of the originally submitted flat roof.

Members received a statement from the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group (NPWG).

It noted the emerging Neighbourhood Plan was looking to include Watermead as a Non-Designated Heritage Asset, and stated that the application should be refused.

After listening to the public representations and statements from councillors, the committee acknowledged the “significance of preserving the layout and original design aspirations”.

They agreed it had contributed to “creating a spacious environment that fosters a strong sense of community in a crucial waterfront location”, and said the size and scale of the proposal would not “align with the characteristics of the area”.

Christchurch Town Council raised an objection to the planning application.