A community facility that closed during the first Covid lockdown is set to be replaced by houses - despite nine objections to the scheme.

Civic chiefs have approved an application to build four homes on land currently occupied by a WI hall in Lodge Road, Pennington.

A previous proposal to build five homes on the site was turned down by New Forest District Council a year ago.

Civic chiefs said the "cramped and cluttered" development would appear overly intrusive, harming the character of the surrounding area.

Now, a revised scheme submitted by the same applicant, Harnden Homes, has been given the green light.

Bournemouth Echo: The former WI hall at Lodge Road, Pennington, is set to be replaced by four housesThe former WI hall at Lodge Road, Pennington, is set to be replaced by four houses (Image: Google)

The hall is at the junction of Lodge Road and Ramley Road and overlooks Pennington Common.

Objectors said the proposed new homes amounted to overdevelopment and would also create extra traffic problems in the area.

One of the letters received by the council said: "The four dwellings are too large and imposing."

Another added: "Whilst this is one house less than the refused scheme, it has a similar bulk and footprint. It will therefore impact negatively on the rural feel of Ramley Road."

But a council report said: "The site is located within the built-up area of Pennington, where new residential development is acceptable in principle.

"The hall has been vacant since its closure in March 2020 during the Covid lockdown.

"The dwellings would have a greater visual impact than the existing building. However, in principle, it is not considered that an increase in massing/built-form would be inherently harmful.

"What is important is that the dwellings have an appropriate spatial setting, are of a sympathetic appearance, and suitable landscaping can be maintained/provided.

"The reduction from five to four units allows the dwellings to sit more comfortably within the plot than the previously refused scheme.

"The dwellings would create a strong frontage onto the open green to the front of the development, whilst allowing greenery to soften the overall impact of the development."

Bournemouth Echo: The former Pennington WI building is at the junction of Lodge Road and Ramley RoadThe former Pennington WI building is at the junction of Lodge Road and Ramley Road (Image: Pure Town Planning)

The report said the scheme would have an acceptable impact on the character and appearance of the area.

"It is not considered that the proposal would cause unacceptable harm to the amenities of the adjacent day nursery.

"The proposed development has satisfactorily addressed the previous reasons for refusal. The reduction in units allows for a more sympathetic and contextually appropriate form of development."

Pennington WI now meets at St Mark's Community Hall in The Square.