IF THERE was any doubt that some of the more extreme BCP elected councillors were following an anti motorist agenda the report in the Echo on Feb 29th should put paid to that.

Certain elected members have raised concern that lack of consultation about the proposed imposition of the 20 mph town wide speed limit has taken place without taking note that there is no evidence to support the need for a change.

The committee chairman Stephen Bartlett has also been advised that the so called evidence of safety data does not even exist.

Fast forward to the comments made by the deputy council leader Millie Earl who in her comments admitted there is a slight loggerhead here between where the evidence drives us and where people drive us.

This must rank as one of the under statements of the year.. Ms Earl there is no evidence and the people are already voicing their opinions to ditch this whole scheme.

To use her own words “an evidence based approach is really important but there is this element of the public not wanting it”.

That statement on its own should be enough for these elected members to listen to the residents and bin the idea.

It is quite clear that the BCP council is now in the control of elected members who have an ideology that is complexly at odds with the views of the residents and if it continues the local area will only decline even further.

Please councillors start listening to the views of the residents and give up your idealistic agenda.

Alan Burden

Catalina Drive,
