A BOURNEMOUTH woman is taking on the challenge to compete in an MMA fight night to raise funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Darla Mejlun has agreed to fight in a charity Ultra MMA fight night at the 02 Academy in Boscombe on April 12.  

With two months to prepare for the event, Darla has never practised mixed martial arts before and has just begun to train. 

She said: "MMA is something very new to me and I didn't plan it. I was looking for ways to help charities and the event appeared on Facebook and I thought it was a fun and interesting way to do something new. 

"We started training sessions on February 17 and I've now had two lessons and it's been hard so far." 

Darla, along with others who signed up, are given two training sessions, plus a sparring session, each week to help prepare the fighters for the event. 

Once the final day draws closer, each participant is then matched with a fighter of similar height and weight for the night. 

Darla said: "I'm terrified thinking about the fight in the cage but the training sessions are going very well and we have good teachers. I'm pretty sure in the next seven weeks we'll all be ready for it, even if we are beginners. 

"I've had great support from my friends and my work with management announcing my fight and fundraising in the daily meetings." 

Hoping to raise £2000, Darla is at the beginning of both her MMA and fundraising journey in which she hopes to help kids who suffer from serious illnesses. 

The charity raises funds for sick children who are admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. 

Darla said: "I want to help kids the most because they are the most vulnerable humans they need our help. They can't help themselves and their little lives are already filled with pain and fear. They deserve to have their own future. 

"I'm just hoping I can drive a lot of money and help them see the future and stop their worries."

For more information on the event and Carla's fundraising, visit her JustGiving page.