A MAN stalked and forcibly kissed his ex-partner because he ‘couldn’t let go of their relationship’.

Krzysztof Lesinski, 47 and of Ashley Road in Poole, had become “obsessive” in his feelings after the breakup.

Prosecutor Ryan Murray said Lesinski split up with his girlfriend in April 2022, but the pair had continued to co-parent their daughter.

Problems arose when the defendant’s ex moved on with someone else, Mr Murray said.

On December 23 of that year, Lesinski had agreed to meet with her outside her flat as part of their parenting arrangements.

Lesinski became confrontational and grabbed hold of her as she attempted to walk away.

He was told “don’t touch me” but proceeded to hold onto his ex-partner and tried to kiss her, only stopping when their daughter turned up.

Lesinski then left, but one hour later, turned up to the front door of his ex’s flat and said he wanted to talk to her.

Despite her refusing and trying to shut the door, the defendant “overpowered her” and went into the flat.

He “grabbed her with both arms and attempted to kiss her on the lips”, before leaving.

Lesinski then returned to the flat a short time later, but was arrested by police on this occasion.

The defendant appeared unrepresented at Bournemouth Crown Court for sentencing on Friday, February 23, having admitted two charges of assault by beating.

The court heard how the offences were committed while Lesinski was awaiting sentencing for a stalking charge.

Judge Robert Pawson noted Lesinski’s feelings towards his ex had become “a bit obsessive”.

He said: “The impact of what you did on [the ex-partner] was quite significant.

“Her statement to police shows that what you did upset her quite a lot.

“Although what happened is serious, it seems to be that the best thing to do is to pass a community order.”

Lesinski was handed a community order lasting for 18 months and fined £250.