A DISCOUNT card offering unique deals for small businesses is set to launch to promote shopping local.

Siblings, Adelaide and Callum West who live in Bournemouth, set up the Beach Bum Club in hopes of supporting the BCP community.

The discount card will be free to join for any local independent businesses, and can opt out any time.

Adelaide, 40, said: “We want to help navigate the current economic climate and try to get money spent locally and help our local economy grow in the BCP area.”

She added she has been shopping local for years and has noticed how business owners struggle to get their names known.

“A lot of businesses run them from their home because they can’t afford the rents and rates on the high street.

“So, you don’t see the shop signs and the only way to find them is through word of mouth or online.”

Adelaide believes small brands have a ‘really hard time’, because of tight profit margins, small budgets and having to be a ‘one-man band’.

However, by signing up to the Beach Bum Club, Adelaide and Callum are offering to help businesses set a discount that is beneficial to them and their customers.

“It doesn't have to be a blanket discount, for example, with restaurants, you would maybe look to use your downtime when you're not as busy and offer a discount.

“So that will bring people in on the days when, not the weekends or not the holidays, for example.”

Around 25 businesses have already partnered with the Beach Bum Club, including restaurants, beauty salons, taxis and music groups.

Adelaide and Callum will be officially launching the card once they have around 50 businesses involved, to ensure customers get the most for their money. The card will cost £24 for two years, with the aim of saving money by printing the cards less frequently.

Businesses and customers can sign their interest through the website beachbum.club.

Adelaide will also be completing various volunteering and fundraisers to help the community including a half ironman challenge in June for the Dorset Children’s Foundation.