THERE has been much coverage in the Echo recently about roads and traffic congestion, yet one key fact is always missing.

There are now so many people using their cars that our roads cannot cope.

The only solution is to persuade or force drivers to use their cars less.

Only 20 years ago travel between Bournemouth and Poole took about 20 minutes, now you are lucky if it takes you less than 40 minutes, much longer if there are roadworks.

Air pollution leading to asthma in many children is now common and major car congestion around almost every school at the end of the school day is a major danger to pupils according to head teachers.

The very limited efforts by our local council to reduce congestion such as closing roads being used as rat runs and the use of bus priority measures, which are common in many towns, have resulted in the BCP area having the most congested towns in England.

Even the measure to close part of the road in Poole Park has led to much opposition, perhaps because it would block the use of the park being used as a rat run by car drivers of Lilliput and Canford Cliffs travelling to and from Poole town centre.

If we are to travel around our towns easily and safely, the number of car journeys must be significantly reduced.

We have a very good bus service which has persuaded some people to not always use their car, schools are constantly trying to persuade pupils to walk to school, but with limited success, and people using car free areas find them much improved.

However many people appear married to their cars, to achieve a reduction in car congestion BCP must redouble their efforts.

Philip Sandom

Farcroft Road,
