A “DEPRAVED” man who sexually abused a baby and got his wife to film it has been jailed for 14 years.

Adrian Iordache, of Bournemouth, convinced his wife Alina to record a 46 second video of the abuse because it ‘was funny’.

He also had thousands of grotesque images of young children and "shocking" movies stored on his computer.

The investigating officer who reviewed the images said they were ‘the worst he’d ever seen’, with a court judge agreeing they were ‘some of the worst he’d ever had to read about’.

Adrian, 33, was first arrested in Bournemouth in March 2022 following intel received by Dorset Police.

He had a number of his electronic devices seized, and accepted to police that indecent images of children would be found on his computer.

He said he had first found the images five years previously, and “liked them so downloaded more”.

Adrian also said his “preference was for girls between 12 and 13 years of age” but denied having a sexual interest in children, and stated he would never attempt to contact a child.

He was released, until nearly a year later when the results came back from his seized and examined devices.

They contained a video of sexual activity between Adrian and a baby which was recorded by his wife Alina, 32, while they were living in the UK.

There was another video of a similar nature recorded by Alina while the couple were away in Romania.

Also on Adrian’s devices were 706 category A images of children, 1019 category B images of children and 14,230 category C images of children, plus 1058 computer generated images, all featuring children aged between one and 13.

Further ‘extreme pornographic images’ included that of sexual intercourse with a corpse and animals, plus torture, rape, and ‘snuff movies’.

Adrian and Alina were both arrested at Luton Airport in April 2023, on return from their home country of Romania.

In an interview with the police, Adrian confirmed the first video which involved him and the baby, and claimed they were “not sexual” but “funny moments”.

Both defendants appeared at Bournemouth Crown Court for sentencing on Tuesday, February 6.

Adrian Iordache admitted two counts of causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity, three counts of making indecent photograph of a child, four counts of possessing extreme pornographic images and one count of possessing prohibited images of a child.

The court heard he was a “widespread, international offender”, with images taken of young children in Greece, Romania and two places in the UK, and dating back to 2015.

Defending Adrian, Steve Wedd said: “This pattern of behaviour went undetected across three countries in Europe across seven years.

“He is trying to do what he can to rehabilitate himself and reform himself.

“He told officers he was addicted to pornography, and that there was a dark side to it, but said he’d do what was needed to be fixed.”

Alina admitted one count of causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity and one count of taking indecent photographs of a child.

Defending Alina, Nick Robinson said his client had been coerced by her husband into filming him abusing the baby, with Adrian saying he'd share private photos of her if she didn't.

Mr Robinson told the court: “My client has recorded two videos which she deeply regrets.

“She’s remorseful, and she’s deeply ashamed of her behaviour.

“Her mother [in a character reference] refers to Romanian culture and how wives aren’t encouraged to speak up, your honour may give that the weight he thinks it deserves.”

Addressing Alina, Judge Jonathan Fuller KC said: “While I consider your basis of plea, as the video in Romania showed, you continued filming his depraved behaviour.

“What you chose to do was to put yours and your husband’s interests before that of an innocent child."

Addressing Adrian, Judge Fuller KC said: “The material which was found by the police showed that you, Adrian Iordache, had started downloading indent images of young children as early as 2015.

“This was a year before you met the co-defendant.

“By 2017, your downloading included extreme porn, and by 2018, it included prohibited images of children.

“The descriptions of the images, having read them, are shocking, and the investigating officer said they were the worst he’d ever seen.

“For my part, they are some of the worst I’ve ever had to read.

“These images give an insight into your behaviour and your thinking.”

Adrian, of Walpole Road in Bournemouth, was jailed for 14 years and made subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order until further notice.

Alina, of the same address, was jailed for 30 months and made subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order lasting for five years.