JANUARY was the “biggest ever month for sales” in a Bournemouth company’s 22-year history. 

Revenue and holiday bookings at Not Just Travel last month increased more than 41 and 32 per cent, respectively, compared to January 2023. 

According to the firm, January 30 and 21 were the company’s biggest ever days for sales. 

Not Just Travel co-founder Paul Harrison said the record-breaking figures are down to his consultants’ “exceptional passion”, more agents and better productivity due to an investment in training. 

He said: “This isn’t unprecedented, as we have been continuously planning and upskilling our consultants precisely for this formidable time in the travel industry’s history.  

“Everything we do has been invested into the training we offer our network and the opportunities we provide our key trade partners. The sales speak for themselves - what we do works.” 

Additionally, the company announced a surge in cruise sales, posting a 64 per cent rise in revenue and a 25 per cent year-on-rise in the number of cruise bookings in January. 

Paul added:  “Some people thought holiday bookings in 2024 might not reach the same levels as last year as pent-up demand following the pandemic would dampen down. 

“However, trading so far has been the best in our history and many agents report it's getting even busier.” 

He added consultants are “exceeding their sales targets” and that he is “really proud” of them. 

“Natalie Downey who completed our virtual training in early January booked £28,000-worth of holidays in under two weeks,” Paul added. 

“Another of the company’s more established agents made a single big booking worth £119,000 this month.  

“Additionally, consultant Palvi Harvey, who made nearly £200k of bookings in January, stated that 100 per cent of her bookings were repeat customers - a testament to her success and quality of service.” 

Co-founder Steve Witt said: “ We’ve seen phenomenal sales just after the first payday in 2024 as pent-up demand has exploded.  

“Consumers aren't scrimping on holidays as they want each trip to be truly memorable. More Brits than ever are enjoying the stress-free, personalised service and money protection a travel consultant provides.” 

Top Booking Destinations in January: 










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