A new landlord with 'hospitality in his blood' has re-opened and revitalised a Christchurch pub. 

Jon Dalman threw open the doors of the Lamb Inn to locals during a recent launch party.

The event featured a complimentary hog roast which fed 91 people in 20 minutes.

The Lamb Inn is the 43-year-old's first pub, however, it is not his first gig in hospitality. 

Jon said: "I started off as a glass collector on a holiday park at 14 and then worked my way up. I've always loved pubs and my dad used to run the Amberwood in Walkford. 

"Hospitality has literally has been in my blood since I was born and I love it." 

Although initially a daunting challenge, Jon has worked hard to renovate the pub while keeping its rustic nature. 

Completely repainted with colours chosen by his wife, Lyn, 43, he has also extended the kitchen and put in a pizza oven which he hopes to use soon. 

Jon, who opened the watering hole in December, said: "One minute I was really excited, the next I was very nervous. We have got a fantastic team with some who I have worked with previously who moved here with me once they found out. 

"That was really nice to know and the pub itself lends itself perfectly to have a restaurant while able to maintain itself as a country pub."

Jon's head chef, Marc Miller, 31, worked at The Lamb Inn 15 years ago as a kitchen porter and has now come back to join him. 

Jon said: "His gravy is phenomenal. I know it sounds silly but it's better than the best restaurants I've been to. 

"We worked together on a holiday park where he didn't get to show off his skills, but now I believe he truly is." 

Jon has been gobsmacked at the response since and has thanked locals for getting involved. 

He has thanked friends and family who helped get the doors open.