Four veterans are set to ride 5,000 miles on their motorcycles to raise money for Help for Heroes.

A quartet of veterans are set to ride 5,000 miles this summer to raise money for Armed Forces charity, Help for Heroes.

Trevor Burden, 60, Alan Sands, 61, Fred Ball, and Rupert 'Dusty' Miller, 63 all served in the Royal Hampshire Regiment nicknamed the The Tigers. 

The tour, suitably named Tigers on Tour, will see the team ride from Tidworth Camp to Dhekelia Station in Cyprus. 

Alan, who lives in Bournemouth, said: "This was about us having the experience of a lifetime; sharing it would be a statement of our friendship and a reminder of the camaraderie of when we served as young men; a time to reminisce and share old stories.

“But it has now become more than that – it’s not just about four veterans. It’s about all the veterans who gave so much for this country. It’s about the loved ones left behind; it’s about the people who still mourn for those who can’t be with us. It’s about those who constantly battle with everyday life; it’s about those who feel left behind."

Travelling via the Channel Tunnel, the riders will then pass through Stuttgart, Graz, Sofia, Ankara, and Mersin before catching a ferry to Cyprus.

The trip will begin on June 13 and is scheduled to finish around June 19. 

Alan said: "We four have lost friends in conflicts, we have also seen the devastation it leaves behind. We lost a very good friend on a tour, and he left behind a daughter who never got to see her father.

“So, this is very personal and very close to our hearts. We hope that whatever is raised will help make some difference to someone else’s life. That an ex-serviceman or woman get a meal, get a roof over their heads, get the help they need to recover."

Help for Heroes champions the Armed Forces community and helps them live well after the service and has supported more than 30,000 people. 

For more information, visit the Help for Heroes website.