AS a child, coming to Bournemouth was a delight, finally arriving after an eight hour journey from Birmingham.

Driving down a flower lined A31 the excitement mounted. Then the first view of a beautiful sandy beach with grand houses and buildings all around, it was like being in another world and somewhere to aspire to live in the future. I was fortunate enough to achieve the dream and now live in Wimborne.

However the town of Bournemouth is not any longer somewhere that many would want to live. The dirt, the run down city centre with empty shops, the homeless and the general air of decay that it now emits.

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BCP, is partly responsible for this but so too are the people who no longer take pride in their town and the visitors who do not respect the environment and leave their rubbish and mess all around.

I do understand that BCP has a limited budget but there are steps they could take to improve the situation without massive cost implications, i would suggest the following:

1. Employ street cleaners. Give them a smart clean uniform. These recruits could be made up of permanent staff and seasonal workers who have a dual role as street cleaners and town ambassadors who help the tourists.

2. Insist that shop owners follow a signage policy that supports the style of the beautiful buildings that are above the shops. I understand some stores have brand policies but even the likes of Mcdonalds golden arches can still be displayed but in keeping with the areas style. Although there is room for improvement i would point out Harry Ramsdens as an example of where a company has kept its branding but still maintained some respect to the style of the building they are in.

3. Work with police so that we have street bobby's walking around and have a constant physical presence in the town, not community police but full uniformed police. About 8 street bobby's would be enough.

4. Allow pop up food outlets on the beach front. Look to Spain for inspiration. Anyone granted a license for the pop up also has the responsibility for clearing up the area around their pitch that runs from the cliff/beach huts to the sea and 50 mtrs both sides of their outlet.

5. Initiate a zero tolerance policy on anti social behaviour that includes, Drunken behaviour, loud music, littering. Policed by the street police and beach marshals.

I mention looking to Spain for inspiration, I would also add Portugal. Both countries do all the above and their beaches and seaside towns are immaculate. Litter is never seen, police are visible and don't take any nonsense or allow antisocial behaviour. In Portugal they even supply beach ash trays which are in a box on the beach, used by the tourists on the beach AND returned to the storage boxes by the same tourists at the end of their stay. Even after major events the streets are immaculate within a couple of hours of the event ending.

So no, its not all down to BCP but with a little imagination they can lead by installing low cost measures that will over time change peoples behaviours and make Bournemouth a great place to visit once again. More visitors means more revenue, this will attract more people to invest in the town and start to revitalise the whole area.

Best wishes to all of Bournemouth.

Steve Irwin

The Vineries,
