LAND at a Poole industrial estate has finally been sold by BCP Council for more than £1m.

Outline plans to sell council-owned land at 35 Willis Way in Fleetsbridge to the current rental tenant were revealed in spring 2022.

The land at Fleets Industrial Estate features 17 industrial units and has been rented out on a 99-year ground lease from May 22, 1980.

However, a report by senior estates surveyor Sarah Knott said it will be "quite a time before any real increase in the rent can be achieved".

Cllr Mike Cox, portfolio holder for finance, confirmed earlier this week that the land was sold in December 2023 for £1.089m.

Former council leader Drew Mellow had said the sale of the land was "unlikely" when his administration proposed it.

Cllr Cox added that the Southbourne Crossroads car park, the site where a controversial planning application for apartments is set to be built, has not yet been sold.

He said: "The sale of Southbourne Crossroads car park has not yet been completed but it is anticipated before March 1, 2023."

It was also discussed at a scrutiny meeting on January 29 that land in Crescent Road "did not achieve minimum valuation" and was withdrawn from the market.

Cllr Cox said the housing delivery team will not be looking at the feasibility of a residential housing scheme.