A CHRISTCHURCH man with two Guinness world records is doing ‘everything he can’ to save his favourite animal from extinction.

Chris Green lives with his wife Kate at their home in Christchurch.

He has completed a staggering total of 150 marathons and ultras throughout his life.

90 of those races have been run dressed as a rhinoceros.

Bournemouth Echo:

Chris runs in the unique costume to help raise funds for ‘Save the Rhino’ and draw attention to the plight of the species.

He said: “In 2009 I ran my first marathon dressed as a rhino at the London Marathon.

“I never imagined then that 15 years later I would still be running marathons in the rhino costume and on the verge of running my 100th marathon.

“Rhinos vitally need our help.

“That twisted trade in rhino horn has pushed this magnificent species to the very brink of extinction.

“I am doing everything I can to help my favourite animal and have therefore made it my mission to do everything possible to raise awareness and help Save the Rhino.

“I have been all over the UK running with the costume and even taken it further afield to New York and later this year I'm set to go with the costume to Kenya to meet and run with the real life heroes, the rangers who put their lives on the line to protect rhinos from poachers.”

Bournemouth Echo:

Chris has also achieved two Guinness World Records for his efforts.

These were ‘Fastest Marathon dressed as a mammal’ 4:06:35 at the London Marathon 2021, and ‘Fastest half marathon dressed as a mammal’ 1:50:05 at The Great North Run 2021.

He said: “I am hugely driven by the many friends I have met all through this journey and by my incredible family.

“I recently lost my dad back in November and my dear mum when she was only 56.

"Both however, taught me to cherish this world and to stand up for the things we love the most.

“I can feel them both with me now as I try to stand up for rhinos.”

Chris’ 100th marathon will take place in London on April 23.

Donations can be made via Chris’ Just Giving page titled: ‘Rhino Boy Chris - Running 100 Marathons dressed as a Rhino’.