PLANS have been lodged for a new office block to be built in a residential area of Christchurch.

Nicholas Clark Developments Ltd has submitted a planning application to build a two-storey building on the land adjacent to 88 Stour Road.

The site earmarked for development is largely open-grass and has been used for advertising posters.

If approved, the building would be used as offices ‘attractive to small start-up businesses’.

There would also be bike parking and a bin store.

An office use would be “consistent with and entirely compatible with neighbouring uses, which is a mix of residential and shops close by”, said the developer.

The firm previously submitted a planning application to build two semi-detached homes on the land on Stour Road.

This scheme was refused by BCP Council.

The developer said the latest plans for offices “negates the reasons for refusal” given by the local authority, which included ‘inadequate amenity space to serve the future occupants’ and concerns over scale and layout.

A supporting statement prepared on behalf of Nicholas Clark Developments said: “The proposal presents a sustainable form of development, contributing to the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of Christchurch.”

A decision is yet to be made on the application.