ANOTHER two free-roaming animals have been killed on roads in the New Forest.

The Verderers have given details of all the animal accidents that occurred in the district over the Christmas and New Year period.

The first recorded casualty of 2024 was a donkey that was hit by a vehicle a Sway Road, Brockenhurst, on January 4.

It was so badly injured it had to be humanely destroyed by one of the agisters employed by the Verderers to deal with animal-related issues, including livestock involved in accidents.

The donkey was wearing one of the special collars that aim to reduce the risk of collisions by reflecting vehicle headlights.

The last casualty of 2023 was a pony that was involved in a collision at Janesmoor Pond, near Fritham, on December 23 and also had to be put down.

A pony was reported to have been hit by a vehicle on the B3055 between Latchmoor House at the Filly Inn.

A search was carried out but the animal could not be found.