JUST wanted to add my voice to the growing upset over the (potential?) closure of Kings Park Nursery.

It is a very popular and well used resource and I find it hard to believe the figures quoted and that it is classed as loss making.

It’s always busy there. I go there first rather than use the local ‘big boys’ that are more like restaurants than garden centres with prices to match!

The service and knowledge available there is, I think, without equal.

Rather than sell off more of ‘the family silver, like the council have done with the car parks, maybe make it a bit more user friendly with a small catering unit, toilets and some space to just sit and enjoy the ambience there?

Although that does somewhat undermine the charm of the place as it is, being a no nonsense plant centre.

A neighbour tells me that the land can’t be built on, but I suspect that the council is quite adept at granting itself planning permission?

I feel very sorry for all the hard working staff there. They deserve better, as do we!


Harewood Avenue,
