HERE we go. It wasn’t in the manifesto, but now we learn that deputy council leader Millie Earl wants 20mph speed limits across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

She says the council is “keen to hear the views of the whole community” but we know it isn’t true.

Just as we know the public consultation on closing Poole Park to cars is a sham.

As expected, Adam Osman, founder of Cycling Rebellion, said slower speed limits would “really encourage more cycle journeys” when a) it won’t, and b) he knows full well that the 20mph speed limits will cause gridlock but will not apply to cyclists.

All I can say to fellow residents is bide your time, then vote these people out of office, forever.

Then let’s have a new council made up of local people who respect local democracy.


Gleneagles Avenue, Poole