I AM writing as Mayor of Bournemouth, to say how devastated to hear yesterday that our wonderful King’s Park Nursery is to be closed by BCP Council.

I and so many residents of Bournemouth must realise that this is a yet another diminishing of our wonderful town, famed for our outstanding parks and winner of years of Green Flag awards.

This nursery has been a much-loved feature of Bournemouth life since 1924 and has been the envy of towns all over Britain.

It is an oasis of calm and fragrance and is symbolic of our town’s motto – Pulchitrudo et Salubritas, Beauty and Health.

The closure is a sudden and bitter blow and without any consultation.

The small amount of money saved by closing King’s Park will of course be swallowed up by purchasing plants from commercial nurseries, surely at much greater expense.

It simply isn’t worth the destruction of a Bournemouth tradition, that would this year have been celebrating its centenary.

Please, fellow residents of Bournemouth, don’t allow this to happen.


Mayor of Bournemouth