Bournemouth’s ‘beloved’ plant nursery at Kings Park is set to permanently close and will not open in spring 2024.

BCP Council has decided to close Kings Park Nursey due to budget cuts.

The site has been growing plants for Bournemouth’s local parks and gardens since 1924.

Posting on social media, Kings Park Nursery said: “It is with a heavy heart that we announce that the difficult decision has been made to close our plant nursery.

“We are hugely grateful to all of you, our loyal customers, for your valued support through the years.”

Newton and Heatherlands ward Councillor Millie Earl is the deputy leader and portfolio holder for connected communities for BCP Council.

Cllr Earl said: “Soaring inflation has driven up costs, and many councils are facing an increase in demand for core services, such as social care, education, and highways.

“We have been clear that difficult decisions will need to be made and we are taking a responsible approach rather than deferring tough choices to future years.

“One of these difficult decisions is to close Kings Park Plant Nursery; it will not reopen in Spring 2024.”

BCP Council has stated that closing Kings Park Nursery will save £85,000 in the 2024/25 financial year.

Cllr Earl added: “I realise this will also come as a disappointment to loyal customers, and I want to thank anyone who has ever visited and purchased items from Kings Park Plant Nursery.

“We have always said we would be open and transparent, and the decision to close Kings Park Plant Nursery has been a difficult one and one that hasn’t been made lightly.”

Kings Park Plant Nursery will open for a short period in the coming months.

There will be a four-day sale from February, Wednesday 12 to Saturday 17, from 10am to 4pm.

The sale will allow customers to buy the remaining stock from the nursery and enable customers with gift vouchers to spend them.

Dennis Grimwood, from Bournemouth, worked at the nursery for 16 years between 1974 and 1990.

Dennis said: “It is a very sad day for Bournemouth.

“I don’t like the way Bournemouth is going. It seems like everything is closing down.”