A Lions Club has donated 26 cookers to be sent to Ukraine to help civilians, including orphans, in Winter.

Ringwood and Fordingbridge Lions Club has donated 26 cookers to New Forest for Ukraine (NFFU) which are set to be shipped in the new year. 

New Forest for Ukraine is a volunteer group committed to helping those in Ukraine. 

Spokesperson for the group, Paulina Gruszka, said: "The Lions Club has been supporting us from the beginning and keeping us in mind. 

"You can't hear about [the war] on the news anymore but there are people left with no heating, no water, and during winter they are in temperatures of minus 20 degrees."

Lynn Sharper who delivered the cookers on behalf of the Lions Club said: "I'm amazed by the efforts NFFU over the past two years. What they have achieved is nothing short of miraculous." 

Mrs Sharper was involved directly with NFFU for a short period but stepped back due to her husband's poor health.

Donations have stayed steady despite the decrease in attention but Ms Gruszka said they are unable to use some of the donations due to it's poor quality.

She said: "Some of it we can't use or send over because I think people forget we're supporting human beings. We keep telling people we can't take stained duvets because they don't have linen. 

"Imagine you lost your home, you go into a shelter and you have to put your head on a pillow that is brown or stained. You wouldn't want that." 

Ms Gruszka said people are in dire need of food and toiletries.

The cookers will head to Ukraine along with other supplies to be given to civilians who lost their homes, including orphans. 

She said: "Along with the cookers we're sending 52 pallets and a bit of everything from household items, to clothing to toiletries. 

"It's a mixture of everything and it's distributed across Ukraine. We're supporting few orphanages as well so we're sending them things."